Well, I must admit, I'm not the most regular of bloggers. Darn that job and family responsibility...
So it's Tea Party Day here in the Austin-area, and I've taken hard-earned time off to be there. Like A1, yeah, it's that important. Pictures of the event will be posted, so stay tuned.
In the mean time, to whet your appetite, our lovely Big Government public servants have declared political war on conservatives everywhere, declaring us "right wing extremists" and "terrorists" for entertaining "anti-government" sympathies, or "rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority". Link is here (WARNING: Link is directly to the report, in PDF format). This is typical tin-hat dictator stuff. Every totalitarian regime of the 20th Century used the organs of government to silence its political opponents. It's just amazing to see this come to America, and it seems very convenient that this would be released the day before the Movement to Retake America begin...
Democrats Stand for Ukraine but Sit for America
22 hours ago